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Archive for the ‘Topics and Recommendations’ Category

Rules of Summer

rules-of-summerBy: Shaun Tan

Summer is a time of fun, of holidays and of adventure. As this book is a Shaun Tan book there isn’t an intricate plot but honestly there doesn’t need to be. Tan’s books have an appeal all of their own which can be attributed to the flexibility of the story told mostly in pictures with limited text, thus leaving a whole lot up to the imagination. I think I’d say the plot revolves around using your imagination to while away the days, having an older brother make up the rules and be the one to save you when the days turn dark. The illustrations are, as always whimsical and amazing, conveying the width and breadth of what can be achieved when you walk away from technology and allow yourself free reign. An amazing book that left me wanting to explore it again.

Publisher: Arthur A Levine Books
Published: 29th April 2014
Key Words: Adventure, Family, Imagination
Format: Hard cover or paperback picture book
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9780545639125

Best of 2013

I’m not sure I really like doing best of lists because I am so sure I am going to miss something that I thought was really cool. I look at the books on my shelves to see if anything prods my memory. Using this method is very scattershot but does give me a couple of titles I had forgotten about. There is no real rhyme or reason to this list, they are simply the books that stayed with me the most or caught my attention for longer than others.

Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff (YA)


Acid by Emma Pass (YA)9780552566148

Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo (8+)


The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani (9+)


Extra Time by Morris Gleitzman (8+)


Princess Betony and the Rule of Wishing by Pamela Freeman (5+)


Violet Mackerel’s Pocket Protest by Anna Branford (5+)


Noah Dreary by Aaron Blabey (picture book)


Journey by Aaron Becker (picture book)

9781406342307All of these are worth more than a quick look.

Continue reading throughout the new year, I know there will be heaps of great books out in 2014.


Football Books

This AFL football season Penguin books have come up with a way to integrate a parents love of the sport with learning for the very young.


Publisher: Puffin

Published: 26 June 2013

Format: Board book 18 pages

Categories: Numbers & Counting

ISBN 13: 9780143505792

You can choose from: AFL themed mini book box sets (with colours, shapes, numbers and words); My First Numbers; My First Words and even a short touch and feel book called Game Day.


Publisher: Puffin

Published: 21 August 2013

Format: Board book 10 pages

Categories: Activity Books, Novelty Books

ISBN 13: 9780143505846

Also included in this line are activity books for various ages: colouring books, sticker books and a Doodlepedia full of activities and football facts. If you have really little ones and are passionate about the AFL this is probably something for you.

Publisher: Puffin
Published: 21/08/2013
Format: Paperback, 64 pages
Categories:  AFL
ISBN: 9780143505860


9780586217832By: Raymond E Feist

Pug is an orphan apprenticed to a Magician at Crydee, a frontier outpost. He never wanted to be a magician but he has a gift. When the peace of the Kingdom of the Isles is threatened by alien invaders Pug and his best friend Thomas are swept up into a conflict that will change the course of the entire kingdom. Pug’s destiny is to master the magic of two lands. Thomas is to inherit a powerful legacy that could destroy more than just himself if he can’t master it.

This is epic fantasy. It sweeps across worlds. There are heroes, dwarves, elves, magicians and mad kings. Pug’s arc is harsh as his journey takes him across two worlds, two very different cultures. He learns and he adapts. He was an orphan adopted into power, who grows beyond anything he could really have imagined. Thomas’s journey is that of finding his humanity. In Feist’s hands a simple war story sweeps across two incredibly designed worlds. He brings to life many characters that will stay with you. This is the first of many books set in the Kingdom and many characters who’s lives will draw you in.


So you may wonder at such a short review of such a long (600 – 800+ pages depending on which edition you have). So here it is. I love this book. I love this series. I am a huge Feist fan, have been since Magician was first put into my hands when I was 12. This was the first book I tried to read by torchlight under my bed covers. When my teacher gave it to me in class I was so embarrassed. He put it on my desk, this great big volume and said he though I might like it. Like I didn’t have enough problems being the smart bookish one in a country high school where students were far more interested in your sporting prowess.

I couldn’t bring myself to read it at first. When he asked how I was going I lied and said it was good. So I thought I’d better at least try to read it. The rest, as the cliche goes, is history. I totally loved it. I kept going out and buying Feist books. In fact I have gone through several copies of the very first book and really need to replace Silverthorn and Darkness at Sethanon. In reality his was probably the first epic fantasy I ever read, and I never looked back. This is one of the books that created a love of the genre in me. Sure it isn’t really a YA book but so what. I read it when I was 12, it is totally accessible and not one of those books who has themes or stylistics that would suggest it is better suited to older readers.

I highly recommend this book.


Also on the weekend I got to meet the man himself so I figure now is as good a time as any to throw this book into my Recommends and Old Favourites.

I won’t post a link because there are so many editions of this now.

We Love You Hugless Douglas

9781444908299By: David Melling

Douglas is helping Flossie find her best friend, as they search he realised everyone else seems to have a best friend and Douglas decides he would like one of his own. Feeling a little sad he he starts to think about it all and wonder why he doesn’t have one. Maybe though for Douglas the answer is right under his nose, even if it isn’t the answer he was expecting.

Hugless Douglas books are great. Douglas is just a wonderful character who has an incredible spirit, his stories are of family and friendship, they are warm and inviting. The illustrations a bright and welcoming. Together the whole package is a real joy to share with little ones.

Highly Recommended.

Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books

Published: 03 January 2013

Format: Hardback 32 pages

Categories: Animal Stories, Friendship

ISBN 13: 9781444908299

Purchase: here or use Booktopia link on the side of the page

Little Elephants


By: Graeme Base

Jimmy and his mother live on a farm. It’s almost harvesting time and their harvester is broken. If they can’t think of a way to bring in the crop they may lose their farm. Despite the difficult time Jimmy shows kindness to a stranger and this simple act may be the thing that helps change their fortunes. Though who would have thought the answer would lie with elephants.

This is a magical and wonderful tale from the creator of  Animalia and The Legend of the Golden Snail. Base has given us a truly inspirational tale. Jimmy is a great character with a generous heart. The art work as always is wonderfully detailed and incredibly imaginative. Base’s stories draw you in on all levels. What’s not to love about tiny elephants?

Highly recommended.

Publisher: Abrams

Published: 01 September 2012

Format: Hardback 40 pages

Categories: Animal stories

ISBN 13: 9781419704635

Purchase: here or use Booktopia link on the side of the page

Faves of 2012

Okay it is that time of the year again where anyone and everyone puts together lists of their top picks of the past year. I am going to be no different, I will, however, not be doing a top 10. What I have put here are the ones that really stood out, but truthfully I had many wonderful reading experiences this year just about gone, and I did limit this list to those books published in 2012.

Let me start with the youngest first and believe me there were so many really cool picture books this past year but here are a few that stood out.

The Snorgh and the Sailor : Will Buckingham and Thomas Docherty


The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore : William Joyce


I Love You Little Monster : Andreae Giles and Jess Mikhail


Plant a Kiss : Amy Rosenthal and Peter H Reynolds


What Does Daddy Do? : Rachel Bright


Fiction 4 – 9 years.

Secret of the Swords : Frances Watts and Gregory Rogers


Hey Jack! series : by Sally Rippin


Billie B Brown series by Sally Rippin

9781742971414Fiction 8 – 12

Floors : Patrick Carmen


Summer’s Dream :  Cathy Cassidy


Dork Diaries series : Rachel Renee Russell

9780857071194Young Adult Fiction

Stormdancer : Jay Kristoff


The Fault in Our Stars : John Green


Team Human : Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan




Secret Girls’ Business

I received this from the publisher.By: Maggie Hamilton

A book full of fun, fashion and tips on helping you find your way through the teenage years. Interspersed between craft activities and style tips are sections of information on tough issues such as bullying, depression and popularity.

This book has been put together by Maggie Hamilton who has done some intense studies of teenage girls and authored the book ‘What’s Happening to Our Girls?’

The serious information is kept concise whilst letting them know that they are not alone in experiencing these feelings.

In the spirit of living in a multicultural country we are given peeks into the lives of girls from different cultural backgrounds. To show you what girls are capable of, women who have achieved success in a great variety of careers are given brief profiles.

As well as recipes for all sorts of things there are plenty of fashion and gift craft ideas.

This is a wonderful gift idea for a creative teenager, full of plenty of ideas to help them develop their own style, and work through the time of figuring out their own identity, something that can be a tricky thing to do. A previous book I mentioned that ran along a similar  vein was great for tweens and young teens but this one is aimed at older teens. I would say best suited for  14-16 year olds.

Definitely worth a look.

Publisher:  Viking Australia

Published: 22nd August 2012

Format: Paperback 192 pgs

Genre: Non-fiction, Craft, Teenager, Multiculturalism

ISBN: 9780670076772

Purchase: here or use Booktopia link on the side of page

GIRL! The Ultimate Guide to Being You.

By: Anna Barnes

Now I don’t normally review non-fiction, mostly because I don’t read a lot of it but I started going through this and thought it was a great idea. Not only a great idea but very well executed. This is a book that doesn’t stick to one theme in regards to growing up, it doesn’t push any one thing at you. Instead what Anna Barnes has presented us with is a self-discovery guide. It contains chapters dealing with everything from creating your own style, to body image, environmental issues to changing the world.

This book is choc full of information about all sorts of things (parents can even learn things as they look through it -I did).

It is an open, honest look at what it is to grow up and try to figure out who you are. At times it is serious other times it is funny. Best of all it offers a variety of suggestions letting the reader know that no one way is the right way to be. We are all different and this is a book that celebrates that. I would totally recommend giving this to a pre-teen or a young teen, it may even provide an icebreaker for broaching certain topics.

Definitely worth a look.

Publisher: Puffin

Published: 28 March 2012

Format: Paperback 240 pages

Categories: Social Issues, Growing Up, Adolescence

ISBN 13: 9780143305767

Purchase: here or use the Booktopia link on side of the page

Top Titles 2011

As I’m going to not be posting between now and the new year I thought I would put my top picks of this year down now.

These aren’t the only ones I loved and there is no order to them, they are simply some of the ones released this year as far as I know that stand out in my mind.

Picture Books

The Flying Orchestra – Clare McFadden

The Last Viking – Norman Jorgensen/James Foley

The Jewelfish of Karnak – Graeme Base

Fiction 4-9

Violet Mackeral’s Natural Habitat – Anna Branford

Mystery in Paris – Thea Stilton (As with the rest of the series)

The Amazing Voyage – Geronimo Stilton (really I love the whole series)

Fiction 8 – 12

Eight Keys – Suzanne LaFleur

The Medusa Plot – Gordon Korman

Wonderstruck – Brain Selznick

Young Adult Fiction

Daughter of Smoke and Bone – Laini Taylor

The Extraordinaires – Michael Pryor

Mastiff – Tamora Pierce